Tale of the "Screaming Lady" based on true West Virginia historical...
POINT PLEASANT, W.Va. — Some of the most chilling tales of hauntings in West Virginia are based on actual events, and one of the...
Mysterious worm invasion wreaked havoc in Wetzel County in 1918
LITTLETON, W.Va. — In the summer of 1918, a procession of billions of ravenous "worms" passed through the hills of eastern Wetzel County, wreaking...
Legendary grave of judge straddled West Virginia-Pennsylvania line
NEW MANCHESTER, W.Va. — Some say that the ghost of Judge John Hoke Reddick still haunts his grave, and that's not hard to believe,...
Tale of Rich Mountain Ghosts recalls early Civil War battle in...
RICH MOUNTAIN, W.Va. — Every summer, thousands of Civil War buffs travel to the summit of Rich Mountain near Beverly, West Virginia, in Randolph...
The day they knocked a hole in the Cheat River in...
MASONTOWN, W.Va. — The strange story of "the day they knocked a hole in the Cheat River" has been passed down for more than...
According to legend, Paul Bunyan's boot print remains in West Virginia
COTTAGEVILLE, W.Va. — Tales of legendary lumberjack Paul Bunyon might seem far removed from West Virginia, but it turns out there's a long-established link...
Witches were perceived as real threats by settlers in what's now...
CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — For pioneers in western Virginia, life was complicated enough without talk of "witches." Any interruption in the business of avoiding hunger...
Historians seek origin of "The Little Graves" on a West Virginia...
BASIN, W.Va. — Sharp-eyed motorists traveling Barkers Ridge in southern West Virginia may have noticed a faded sign that commemorates the burial of what...
Windy nights recall legend of Sam Hart and his race with...
LEWISBURG, W.Va. — Windy nights such as those that sweep through the hollows in West Virginia may put residents of Lewisburg in mind of...
Bells at Concord University in W.Va. linked to strange phenomenon
ATHENS, W.Va. — Farmers in the countryside near Concord University in West Virginia sometimes speak of a strange winter phenomenon.
When conditions are just right,...
Legend of beast resurfaces in the mountains near Fireco, West Virginia
BECKLEY, W.Va. — In almost every respect, the coal camp at Fireco was the end of the line. It was as far up the...
Strange tales of 'Turkey Witches' weren't uncommon in early W.Va.
WITCHER CREEK, W.Va. — It wasn't long ago that country folk in West Virginia might tell tales of a turkey witch. Of all the...