Listing advertisements allow advertisers to reach their established markets quickly at little expense. Each listing will run at a rate of $200 annually.
A member of our staff will guide you through the process. Do you outfit fishing trips? Then you'll probably benefit from a listing on our page for fishing outfitters. Do you manage cabins near Fayetteville? Then you'll probably want to be listed on our pages for Fayetteville cabins.
Our staff will also help you manage the creation of your listing or, with your permission, will write the listing. Because it will become part of our content, it must comply with the standards of grammar, punctuation, and principles set by the Associated Press, to which we adhere with few exceptions.
In addition to a title line, which is the name of your enterprise, and an address line that includes one telephone number, your listing may include up to 270 characters, including spaces. In this way, the listing takes up no more than five standard lines on our pages.
Find out more about advertising
David Sibray
Email: dsibray@wvexplorer.com
Here’s what some of our established advertisers have had to say about our services: Advertiser Testimonials