Tell us about your West Virginia ramp feast or festival

Tell us about your West Virginia ramp feast or festival
A mess of ramps has been gathered for cooking in the photo by Daniel Coe.

West Virginia Explorer has unveiled its new , but our work is not yet done.  Visit our guide to explore ramp feeds throughout West Virginia, and keep coming back as we add more to our roster. Please also let ramp dinner hosts know of our list and urge them to contact us. Here's how.


Let us know of your favorite ramp fests and feasts

Dozens of ramp suppers must be hosted across West Virginia nearly every week in April and May, and the development team at West Virginia Explorer would like to build and maintain a comprehensive guide to all that are open to the public. Do you know of a ramp festival you'd like to see included here? Please let us know, or share this page with someone who might have information to contribute.

Also, let us know why this is your favorite ramp event and what makes it unique.

To be listed in the directory, we'll need the following information:


  • Name of the Event
  • Time/Date
  • Entrance Fee (if any)
  • Location (city, town, or community)
  • Venue (church, school, auditorium, fairground)
  • Contact Information (email, Facebook, phone number)

Once you've gathered the above information, visit the page and enter it in the message panel. We'll begin publishing the guide here on March 31 and continue to maintain it, updating annually in February and March. OUR GROWING GUIDE TO RAMP FEASTS IS BEING PUBLISHED .

You're also welcome to contribute your favorite fests and feeds in the comments section below, but we will need a contact to call or email, and that might be best provided first through our contact page.



  1. The last couple of years, the only dinner that I've been able to attend has been in Berea. The food is delicious and hot.

  2. For 20 years I hae gone to the Ramp Dinner at the Tyler County Fairground's 'Log Building in Middlebourne. It was wonderful for a NJ ex-pat to discover this delicious delicacy for the first time.... coming from a state where the only RAMPS we knew of were the ways to get on or off a 10-way Highway!....2 years ago, we discovered BEREA! Out-of-the-way but delightful back roads...when you see a line of cars taking a turnoff, you'll know you are there...just get on the line. THAT'S the place! ...maybe 3/4 of a line, but large parking lot and people coming and going. Seating is VERY well organized....Tables are set FAMILY style with huge serving dishes passed out. Teenage volunteers are extremely gracious, table-mates very friendly. Only thing missing for me were the Ramps fried with GROUND HAMBURGER, SLICED POTATOES, and ONIONS...that Middlebourne serves. (In a perfect world, for the $20 charge for dinner, it would include Morrell Mushrooms in that Hamburger mix!)

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