Map of Eight Waterfalls to Visit in West Virginia: Summer 2014
GPS: 39.109 N, 79.499 W
GPS: 39.11361 N, 79.48333 W
GPS: 39.148056 N, 79.497222 W
GPS: 38.1544 N, 81.1788 W
GPS: 37.75833 N, 80.90556 W
GPS: 37.9381 N, 81.09773 W
GPS: 37.46675 N, 81.06 W
GPS: 37.8239 N, 81.0086 W
For more information
For more information on waterfalls in West Virginia or to provide commentary or corrections, visit the Facebook page for Daytripper or contact the author on her own Facebook page at Lisa Stansell.
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