North Bend State Park hosts Winter Wonder Weekend Jan. 17-19

North Bend State Park hosts Winter Wonder Weekend Jan. 17-19
Snow blankets a country road through woodlands near Parkersburg in northwestern West Virginia. (Photo courtesy Ben Parker)

Plant the seeds of fun, conservation, and education during Winter Wonder Weekend at North Bend State Park Jan. 17-19. Activities will include sled riding (weather permitting), winter hikes, tours of the area, programs, crafts, games, and entertainment.


This year’s event includes a Friday night dessert contest where guests are encouraged to bring their favorite dessert for a chance to win a West Virginia State Park gift card.

Guests will also have the opportunity to visit Arlo’s Antiques & Flea Market, Martin’s Market, Shadow Box Craft, Cliff’s Museum of Car Memorabilia and Berdine’s Five and Dime. Live entertainment will be provided Saturday by Stepping Stone.

Featured speakers throughout the weekend include naturalists Bill Beatty and Doug Wood and Ken Ashton of West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.


Wood also portrays Cherokee warrior Ostenanco during a Sunday afternoon presentation of History Alive!—a program made possible by the West Virginia Humanities Council.

A special package rate includes reservations for two nights’ lodging in a lodge room or cabin, five delicious meals and a registration fee which includes crafts, door prizes and all weekend activities. Take advantage of the holiday weekend and extend your stay with special lodging rates for Sunday and Monday night.

Reservations must be received by Jan. 10. For details, visit .

West Virginia’s state parks and forests are the vacation destination of choice for more than 7 million people each year. Made up of 35 parks, nine forests, and two rail-trails, the West Virginia State Parks system provides endless opportunities for family fun and adventure.


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