West Virginia State University will host a free online workshop on forest-management planning for West Virginia farmers and landholders on Thursday, June 18, at 4 p.m.
“Anyone with woodland on their property will benefit from this session,” said WVSU Extension Agent Kristie Martin.
“Join us to learn how you can make the most of your wooded space, whatever your goal—whether you wish to responsibly profit from your woodland, improve its health, enhance its beauty, conserve it for future generations, or simply enjoy it.”
The workshop will demonstrate the MyLandPlan.org planning tool’s use and end with a Q&A session.
Guest speaker David McGill, an extension specialist for forest-resource management with West Virginia University Extension Service, will lead the session.
This live event ties in with WVSU Extension Service’s digital, self-paced spatial mapping training platform for farmers and land managers, Martin said.
The digital course will open for new enrollments on June 16 and includes technical support to manage spatial data and resources through an individually designed production management plan and a free, two-year subscription to the GrowVeg Garden Planner tool.
Registration for the Zoom-based workshop is required and available online at wvstateu.edu/anr or by contacting Martin at kristie.martin@wvstateu.edu or 304-482-0178.
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