The Avian Conservation Center of Appalachia will celebrate Morgantown Migratory Bird Day on May 13 at Coopers Rock State Forest, according to forest officials.
The celebration begins at 7:30 a.m. with a guided bird walk on the Raven Rock Trail. Afterward, participants may gather in the pavilion near the Cheat canyon overlook to enjoy coffee, a live-raptor presentation at 10 a.m., a bird walk for children at 11 a.m., and another live-raptor presentation at noon.
Ongoing activities in the pavilion will include children’s crafts, owl-pellet dissection, and educational displays. All events are free, family friendly and open to the public.
International Migratory Bird Day is celebrated annually at nature centers, zoos and parks across the Americas. The theme for 2017 is “Helping Birds Along the Way,” which celebrates the importance of stopover sites — crucial refuges where migratory birds rest and refuel before continuing their remarkable journeys.
Migratory flights can stretch thousands of miles across continents and oceans, and birds depend upon a handful of resource-rich and strategically located habitats to acquire the energy-rich fat stores they need to survive.
The Avian Conservation Center of Appalachia is a Morgantown-based non-profit organization dedicated to conserving the region’s wild birds through research, education and rehabilitation. For more information, visit the Coopers Rock State Forest website.