W.Va. launches "Almost Heaven" sticker campaign

W.Va. launches
The West Virginia Tourism Office's 2018 campaign for the state’s birthday features "Almost Heaven" stickers to be featured in social media posts.


The West Virginia Tourism Office today unleashed a new 2018 campaign for the state’s birthday June 20 featuring exclusive "Almost Heaven" stickers that can be featured in social media posts.

Tourism Commissioner Chelsea Ruby says the campaign is designed to prompt visitors to visit and share news of its many wild and wonderful attractions.

“Let’s celebrate West Virginia’s birthday by visiting the places that make her Almost Heaven,” Ruby said.


“There are hundreds of special places in our state—places with gorgeous views, delicious food, and world-class fun. Pick one—or four or five!—and visit them over the next couple of weeks."

"When you celebrate at a West Virginia destination," Ruby says, "take a photo and post it on social media using the #AlmostHeaven hashtag."

As photos, posts, and tweets come in, the tourism office will send out surprise Almost Heaven gift bags to a few randomly selected participants.

Photos must be made public and use #AlmostHeaven to be included in the drawing,and participants should try to include the sticker in the picture.


The stickers are free, and you can pick them up at more than 200 official sticker stops across West Virginia, all listed on the .

“Whether it’s the latest bumper sticker on your car as you travel our country roads or a new addition to your mountain bike as you hit the trails, we want to see and share how everyone is celebrating West Virginia’s birthday this summer,” Ruby said.

On June 20, the state's 155th birthday, the Tourism Office will unveil 155 ways to celebrate and enjoy summer in West Virginia, using the posts to help write and tell the story.
