W.Va. State U. initiates tree art contest for isolated children

W.Va. State U. initiates tree art contest for isolated children
A peach tree flowers in a yard near Pineville, West Virginia, in central Wyoming County. (Photo courtesy David Sibray)

is celebrating with a Facebook-based art project designed to encourage children isolated by the COVID-19 outbreak to create tree-themed posters.


Hosted by the university's extension service, “ABCs of Trees” online art project is open to children ages 3 to 18, and participating is simple, says extension agent Liz Moss.

"We wanted to find a way for kids to celebrate trees in a safe environment using materials they likely already have at home,” Moss said.

“Kids can make their poster out of whatever material they would like—crayons, markers, colored pencils, paint. The possibilities for themes are virtually endless, so we encourage them to get creative.”


Children should choose a letter of the alphabet, and create a poster that celebrates trees based on the letter.

For instance, Moss said, the theme could be a benefit of trees—"B" for beauty, "O" for oxygen—a type of tree—"A" for apple, "M" for maple—a part of a tree—"B" for bud, "L" for leaf—or any other tree-themed idea.

Participants should create their posters and post an image to Facebook, tagging the .

Parents are also required to complete a short registration form and will receive a certificate for a free tree seedling from Clements State Tree Nursery, near Point Pleasant, West Virginia, to be picked up at a date to be determined.


The deadline for sharing posters is Monday, April 20.

Additional details are available on the WVSU Extension Service Facebook page or by contacting Moss at elizabeth.moss@wvstateu.edu or 304-661-6016.

Moss said the project is one of several in which the extension service is transitioning its programs online in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Additional programs are being delivered through such outlets as digital courses, downloadable activities, educational videos, and Facebook Live sessions.
