W.Va. record muskellunge caught at Burnsville Lake

W.Va. record muskellunge caught at Burnsville Lake
Chase Gibson caught a 54.0625-inch, 39.64-pound musky at Burnsville Lake, breaking the previous record for length.

A West Virginia angler caught a state record muskellunge on April 30 in Braxton County, according to officials at the W.Va. Division of Natural Resources.


Chase Gibson, of Mount Clare, in Harrison County, caught a 54.0625-inch, 39.64-pound musky at Burnsville Lake, breaking the previous record for length—53.5 inches held by Joe Wilfong since 2017.

Anna Marsh maintains the record for weight with a 49.75-pound musky caught at Stonecoal Lake in 1997.

The muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) often shortened to "musky" or "muskie" is a large freshwater fish native to North America and is the largest member of the pike family.


In West Virginia, the musky is most commonly found in the larger tributaries of the Ohio River in the western state.

Anglers who believe they may have caught a state record fish should check the current records in the fishing regulations at .

Procedures for reporting a record catch also are included in the regulations.
