Organizations join forces to apprehend New River Gorge vandals

Organizations join forces to apprehend New River Gorge vandals
Vandals spray-painted the Long Point cliffs in the New River Gorge national park. (Photo courtesy NPS)

GLEN JEAN, W.Va. — Two organizations in West Virginia are working together to identify vandals who spray-painted a famous natural landmark in the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve.


Crime Stoppers of West Virginia has joined the Friends of New River Gorge to provide a $1000 reward for information that results in solving the crime, which is a federal offense.

The New River Gorge Bridge spans the national park as seen from the Long Point Trail. (Photo courtesy Teresa Bergen)

The vandalism occurred on either the evening of December 20 or the morning of December 21 when one of the park’s most popular areas, the , was vandalized with spray paint, according to park law enforcement officers.

Rangers responded to alerts to discover about ten trees and several rocks had been spray-painted red, some with words and others just markings, according to park officials.


While some of the language drew question of a possible suicide, rangers indicated there was nothing to substantiate that anything beyond vandalism had occurred.

The incident has received a great deal of coverage on social media, and although a few tips have come in via the hotline and directly to the park, to date nothing has led to an arrest.

“We join the public in their outrage over this,” said Teddy Queen, board member of the non-profit "Friends" organization, which supports the park.

“Long Point is one of iconic trails of the park, and while anything such as this that occurs in any public space is awful, this one really hurts. Long Point is loved by so many.”


Queen said the organization decided to donate an additional $500 to provide additional incentive to the public for information. Up to $500 is already being offered by Crime Stoppers of WV bringing the total reward to $1,000.

The rewards established by both non-profit groups are for tips that lead to the conviction of those responsible for the crime.

Park superintendent Charles Sellars expressed his thanks to the friends group, which is working to increase its support for the park as it grows.

“The friends group is the primary philanthropic partner for the park, and they help support us in a variety of ways,” Sellars said.


“This is yet another example of that support and for that we can’t say thanks enough.”

Tips about the incident can be reported to Crime Stoppers of W.Va. at 304-255-7867 or on their website at . All tips are considered anonymous.

For current information and alerts about the park go to  and follow on Facebook and Instagram. More information on the Friends organization can be found at and on .

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A winding parkway travels beneath the New River Gorge Bridge in W.Va.
