The "White Thing" or "White Creature" of southwestern West Virginia may be the most ferocious of monsters alleged to haunt the Mountain State and is one of several believed to appear in a soon-to-be-released video-game Fallout 76.
David Sibray, publisher of West Virginia Explorer, revealed in a video interview with Al Clark that the legendary monster he first encountered in a book of Appalachian folklore appears to act more violently than other similar beasts.
"The White Thing, of all the beasts we've reported about at West Virginia Explorer, the White Thing may well be the most ferocious of beasts and perhaps one of the lesser known," Sibray said.
According to Sibray, the beast is said to wander the difficult terrain of the southern mountains, though its range has also been described as following much of the Kanawha Valley from Kanawha County north to Mason County.
The beast is believed to be one of several monsters that will appear in the Fallout 76 video game, set to be released in November, 2018, and which were featured in the 2014 article by Ted Fauster, "Top five monsters from the West Virginia hills."
The episode is the second of five Sibray and the West Virginia Explorer are published regarding each of the monsters met in the Fauster article. West Virginia Ghosts has recently published and article on the monsters as seen in screencaps from the Fallout 76 trailer.