Our mission since 1999 has remained steadfast. We support the intelligent social and economic advancement of West Virginia.
"West Virginia Explorer was established to provide users with an online compendium to investigate West Virginia and its natural and cultural resources.
"Our publications, principally our guide at WVExplorer.com, are dedicated to the impartial analysis and dissemination of news and information guided by journalistic integrity and the application of truth, accuracy, and factual knowledge. We believe such integrity will advance the state's sustainable development culturally and economically."
—from West Virginia Explorer
incorporation documents, revised 2011
West Virginia Explorer has added the following initiatives to its mission in recent years.
1. We endeavor to clarify the prehistory and protohistory of the state and eschew unsupported propositions that attribute the creation of ancient archaeological resources to non-native groups.
2. We endeavor to support the arts and informed, intelligent expression.