Seneca State Forest, in eastern West Virginia, protects 11,684 acres of mountainous forest east of the Greenbrier River near Snowshoe Mountain, West Virginia. Its terrain descends variously from the summits of Michael and Thorny Creek mountains, at more than 3,300 feet above sea level, to the margins of the Greenbrier River and its tributaries at 2,500 feet above sea level.
Seneca was the first forest established in the state forest system, and much of its present area was purchased by the West Virginia Conservation Commission in 1924. A tress nursery was established in 1928, and in 1933 members of the Civilian Conservation Corps were enlisted to begin building facilities, which include cabins, and rock-work picnic shelters. Recreational pursuits accommodated in the forest include hunting, fishing, hiking, biking and picnicking. Swimming is permitted in the Greenbrier River. The Allegheny Trail courses through the eastern reach of the forest, and the Greenbrier River Trail follows the river along the opposite bank.
Seneca State Forest is located in central Pocahontas County in the Allegheny Highlands Region in eastern West Virginia near Marlinton, West Virginia, and Cass, West Virginia.
Seneca State Forest
Route 1 Box 140
Dunmore, WV 24934
SSF Website
Phone: 304-799-6213
Hotels near Seneca State Forest
Marlinton (WV) Hotels