Winter weekend at North Bend State Park to highlight '60s

Winter weekend at North Bend State Park to highlight '60s
Visitors dine at North Bend lodge in the '60s. Photo courtesy Preston Pyles.
Visitors dine at North Bend Lodge at North Bend State Park in the '60s. Photo courtesy Preston Pyles.

Scheduled for the weekend of Jan. 19-21, the annual Winter Wonder Weekend this year at will feature hiking, crafts, and activities—all with a 1960s theme.


Emily Fleming, deputy director of the W.Va. Division of Natural Resources, which sponsors the annual event, said the 1960s was an exciting decade in Ritchie County as this important state park developed.

“During Winter Wonder Weekend, guests will learn about environmental issues and life in the Ritchie County area during the 1960s as they enjoy fun activities and programs,” Fleming said.

Travelers in the lobby at North Bend.

Begining at 2 p.m. Friday, Bill Beatty, of , will present ‘60s-themed programs, and Wendy and Ron Perrone of Three Rivers Avian Center will present their popular program, “Wings of Wonder, Birds of Prey."


Friday activities include an afternoon hike, crafts programs, and dinner, followed by an ice cream social and entertainment by the Stepping Stone Band. Saturday activities include a morning hike, crafts programs, a trip to nearby and , dinner buffet, and evening activities. Sunday is wrap-up day with a breakfast buffet, morning devotional, and a special presentation on West Virginia’s state parks in the ‘60s by Sam England, chief of Parks and Recreation for the state.

Reservations must be made before Jan. 5, 2018. Contact Wendy Greene at 304-558-2754 for a registration form. The weekend cost will be $150 per person, based on double occupancy in the lodge. Single occupancy reservations are $200 in the lodge. Cabin rates are $150 per person at full occupancy. The cost covers two nights lodging, five meals and the registration fee, which includes crafts, door prizes and all weekend activities. Lower lodging rates for children are available.

North Bend State Park is in Ritchie County near and Harrisville. The park is open year-round and is known for its hospitality, service and family oriented atmosphere. The park hosts Winter Wonder and Nature Wonder weekends annually in addition to multiple special weekend and overnight packaged rates.

To learn more, visit or call 304-643-2931.

