Carrot, pumpkin, cucumber, cantaloupe break W.Va. records

Carrot, pumpkin, cucumber, cantaloupe break W.Va. records
Farmers in W.Va. broke four state records for fruit and vegetable produce in 2017.
Farmers in W.Va. broke four state records for fruit and vegetable produce in 2017.

Four new produce records were established in 2017 in West Virginia, the state Department of Agriculture announced today. A carrot, cucumber, cantaloupe, and pumpkin raised the bar for farmers statewide, according to Commissioner of Agriculture Kent Leonhardt.


“We’re the only state in the region that has this type of program. We see it as a fun way to encourage farming while bring attention to our gardeners throughout the state,” Leonhardt said of the records program.

Dustin Trychta, of Morgantown, West Virginia, set new standards in three categories. His 38.6 lb. cantaloupe shattered the previous record of 27.45 lbs., held since 2011 by Glen Knox.

Trychta also set records in two new categories —  heaviest carrot, at 2 lb. 6.88 oz., and heaviest cucumber, at 10.77 lb.


Robert Cyrus, of Fort Gay, West Virginia, grew a 1,407 lb. pumpkin, which was the top entry at the West Virginia Pumpkin Festival and set a new state record. The previous record was set in 2006 by Scott Wotring, at 1,157 lbs.

Produce and fruit eligible for records must follow rules established by the department, including being grown in West Virginia and within one season, Leonhardt said.

“The rules and categories have been a bit more formalized in recent years. This keeps the program manageable and as fair as practically possible,” he said.

New categories include carrot by weight, cucumber by weight, pawpaw by weight, sunflower by head diameter and zucchini by length.


For a complete list of rules and regulations, as well as current record holders visit .
