Applications available for limited-permit area antlerless deer hunts

Applications available for limited-permit area antlerless deer hunts
Lottery hunts available in 12 limited permit areas in West Virginia. (Photo courtesy W.Va. Dept. of Commerce)

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.VA. — Applications to hunt in 12 limited-permit areas in West Virginia during the 2023 antlerless deer season are now available, according to officials with the W.Va Division of Natural Resources.


The limited-permit areas provide antlerless deer hunting opportunities in areas where wildlife biologists have determined that issuing a limited number of antlerless deer permits will help state biologists meet deer-management objectives.

The following wildlife management areas, state forests, and counties are open for the drawing:

After Aug. 20, 2023, applicants can see whether they received a permit by logging into their division account. Applicants who are selected will be notified by mail by the first week of October.


A limited number of Class-N stamps for resident hunters and Class-NN stamps for nonresident hunters will be available.

Successful applicants may hunt antlerless deer on private and public land on October 26–29, November 20–Dec. 3, December 7–10, and December 28–31, 2023.

Hunters who wish to enter as a group must know the other hunters’ division ID numbers to enter the lottery. Hunters also may call their local division district office for help with the application process.

Applications for limited-permit area antlerless deer hunts

To purchase a hunting license and stamps, visit . For more information about antlerless deer season dates, bag limits, and split-county maps, hunters should consult the 2023-24 West Virginia Hunting and Trapping Regulations Summary, available to download at .


Applications for the lottery hunt are available at . Hunters have until August 11, 2023, to submit their application.

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