The historic spa at Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, is introducing a loyalty-card program to accommodate regular patrons of its bathhouses, according to spa officials.
One of the Mountain State's most popular tourist attractions, the warm mineral springs in use since colonial times also hosts an audience of regular guests who soak in its waters and indulge in its spa services.
The administration at Berkeley Springs State Park, which now operates the springs and spa facility, has introduced a punch cards for use at the spa's main bathhouse and old Roman bathhouse that can be redeemed for complimentary services after a set number of visits.
“Guests will get their card punched after each visit,” spa manager Jamie Foltz explained.
“Each 30-minute massage at the main bathhouse earns one punch on that loyalty card. After five visits, it can be used to get a free massage. And nine punches on the old Roman bathhouse card earns a free bath. This is our way of thanking our devoted guests.”
The park’s Roman bathhouse offers many spa services, including massages, saunas, baths, and mineral-water showers, though park visitors may also soak and wade free-of-charge in outdoor pools throughout the park.
The park and surrounding town of Berkeley Springs, or Bath, W.Va., is a drive of less than two hours from Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Md., and just more than two from Pittsburgh, Pa.
To learn more about the card program call 304-258-2711.