Eighth annual spring nature event set for April 9 at St. Albans

Eighth annual spring nature event set for April 9 at St. Albans
Dutchman's Breeches flower in spring at Saint Albans City Park in Saint Albans, West Virginia.

St. Albans Parks and Recreation and organizers are pleased to announce the Eighth Annual "Take a Walk on The Wild Side" Nature Hike event that will take place at the St. Albans City Park Nature Trail Saturday, April 9, 2022, from 9 a.m. until noon with a special Tree Pruning for Beginners workshop to be held from 1-3 pm. the same day.


The theme of this year’s event is “Earth, Wind, and Fire,” and registration will begin at 9 a.m. at the Nature Trail. This event is geared to the entire family and will be a Covid-19 safe event. All activities are free, and donations are greatly appreciated to help with future Wild Side events.

Hikes this year will be mostly self-guided to preserve hiker safety. There will be experienced naturalists from the Kanawha Valley Chapter of WV Master Naturalists, WV Native Plant Society, and WV DNR available to share information with hikers. Mask wearing and social distancing is encouraged.

Participants this year can also enjoy several great programs during the hike event including the creation of a tornado, hands-on discovery of the Soil Tunnel Trailer, the effects of wind and fire on the environment, the benefits of earthworms and redworms, make and take your own rain barrel ($), and the effects of flooding on our landscape.


The Kanawha County Library-St. Albans Branch will host and sponsor a Story Walk along the trail—a unique way for children and families to read a book together while walking along the trail.

The St. Albans Stormwater program will provide rain barrel kits that include barrel and
downspout fixtures. The cost of each kit and barrel is $30. Anyone interested may take a rain barrel home.

Hikers may enjoy participating in a Nature Scavenger Hunt or looking for special prize medallions hidden along the trail. Door prizes provided by the event sponsors include camping, cabin rental, kayak rentals, golf, and much more. Commemorative tee-shirts will be available. Wellness checks will be provided by the students of the University of Charleston School of Pharmacy.

The afternoon will feature a free hands-on Tree Pruning Workshop lead by Liz Moss, Urban
Forestry Extension Agent with the WVSU Extension Service Agriculture & Natural Resources Division.


Interested persons are asked to preregister for the workshop at conta.cc/3qL3wSy. The workshop will take place from 1-3 p.m. at the park. Registration information may also be found on the Facebook page: St. Albans City Park “Take A Walk On The Wild Side” Nature Hikes or www.saparkswv.com.

Presenters include staff and volunteers from the West Virginia Division of Forestry, West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, West Virginia State University 4-H Extension, West Virginia State University Extension Service Agriculture and Natural Resources Division, West Virginia Conservation Agency, National Weather Service, University of Charleston School of Pharmacy, St. Albans Stormwater Program, St. Albans Fire Department, St. Albans Branch of the Kanawha County Library, and the St. Albans Parks and Recreation Department.

Leaders include volunteers from the Kanawha Valley Chapter of West Virginia Master Naturalists, West Virginia Native Plant Society, West Virginia Birders, and West Virginia State Parks.

Special gifts provided by sponsors and supporters of the event will be given away to registered participants. Each hiker will also receive a gift just for participating. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear for hiking.


For additional information about the Take A Walk On The Wild Side event, go to the St. Albans City Park “Take A Walk On The Wild Side” Nature Hike page on Facebook, , or contact the St. Albans Parks and Recreation Department at 304-722-4625.

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