First phase of nature trail at Glenville State College complete

First phase of nature trail at Glenville State College complete
Trailhead at Pioneer Nature Trail at Glenville, West Virginia. (Photo: Glenville State College)

The first section of a walkable nature trail at has been completed, though there's more to come, according to the interim president of the school.


“Projects like this one are wonderful opportunities to celebrate partnerships and collaborations that make the heart of West Virginia so special,” Dr. Kathleen Nelson said of the trail project that climbs into the hills of the central Mountain State.

Glenville State College rises on a hill above Glenville, West Virginia. (Photo: GSC)

The trail will eventually connect to another existing trail to be used for scenic strolls as well as training for the cross-country teams for the college and Gilmer County High School.

Future phases for the trail call for the addition of a small walking bridge, a rock fountain, and a gazebo to enjoy the view at the trail terminus, Nelson said.


The Gilmer County Farm Bureau received a $10,000 grant to help establish the trail, which wanders through the woods behind Morris Stadium.

Officials known as the Pioneer Nature Trail, the resource includes 1,200 feet of walkable trail, a picnic table, an informational kiosk, several birdhouses donated by the Gilmer County Girl Scouts, and a sign marking the trailhead donated by Don and Glendora Hedley. The trail honors the community service of Rita and the late Denzil Huff.

Officials who turned out for a ribbon-cutting in early November included representatives of Glenville State College, the Gilmer County Farm Bureau, the West Virginia Association of Conservation Districts, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, the West Virginia Conservation Agency’s West Fork Conservation District.

Nelson especially thanked those who have contributed the time and effort to open the route, include Don Bailey, Jane Collins, Pat Nestor, Chester Sholes, Tom Snyder, Rick Sypolt, Frank and Linda Waldeck, and Waco Oil and Gas.


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