West Virginia updates regulations for coyote night hunting

West Virginia updates regulations for coyote night hunting
Hunting coyotes at night in West Virginia requires written permission from the landowner and prior notification to the local Natural Resources Police Officer or the DNR District Office.

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The W.Va. Natural Resources Commission has approved updates to the regulations for coyote night hunting.


Using any color artificial light or night vision technology, including image intensification, thermal imaging, or active illumination, for coyote hunting in West Virginia is permitted between September 1 and December 31 on private land.

Hunting coyotes at night requires written permission from the landowner and prior notification to the local Natural Resources Police Officer or the division District Office during normal business hours. The hunter or landowner must provide the hunter’s name, the landowner's name, and the hunting location.

The coyote (Canis latrans) is a species of canine native to North America smaller than its close relative, the wolf. It is listed as the least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, due to its wide distribution and abundance throughout North America.


The species is versatile and able to adapt to and expand into environments modified by humans. It is enlarging its range by moving into eastern U.S. and Canada urban areas.

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