Mourning dove hunt applications available for South Branch

Mourning dove hunt applications available for South Branch
A mourning dove perches in a hemlock tree. (Photo courtesy Joshua J. Cotten)

OLD FIELDS, W.Va. — Applications for a controlled mourning dove hunt at the South Branch Wildlife Management Area in Hardy County in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia are now available, according to officials at the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources.


The annual controlled hunt is scheduled for Sept. 1-2. Mourning dove hunters who wish to participate may apply in person at the division's District 2 office in Romney or call 304-822-3551 for an application. Applications must be delivered to the office by the close of business on June 30 or must be postmarked by July 1.

The South Branch Wildlife Management Area is located at the upper end of what is known as "The Trough" on the South Branch of the Potomac River. Hunting in the area will be by permit only on Sept. 1-2, which are the first two days of the mourning dove season.

Successful applicants will be notified by mail or email before Aug. 1. Hunters who are chosen during the lottery drawing will be assigned a day to hunt and a shooting station at no charge and may bring two guests.


A map showing the location of shooting stations will be included with a notification of successful drawing. No permits will be necessary to hunt doves after Sept. 2.

The 2023-24 West Virginia Migratory Bird Hunting Regulations will be available by the end of August at division offices and online at .

For more information about the controlled mourning dove hunt, contact the division's District 2 fffice at 304-822-3551.
