West Virginia updates regulations for coyote night hunting
SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The W.Va. Natural Resources Commission has approved updates to the regulations for coyote night hunting.
Using any color artificial light or...
Archery seasons for bear, boar, and deer open Sept. 24
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources reminds hunters to prepare for the state’s archery and crossbow seasons for white-tailed deer,...
Applications available for controlled deer hunts at four state parks
SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources is now accepting applications to participate in controlled autumn deer hunts at four...
Applications available for antlerless deer hunts in 2022
The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources is now accepting applications to hunt in limited permit areas during the 2022 antlerless deer season.
According to...
West Virginia hunters harvested 105,278 deer in 2021
Hunters harvested 105,278 white-tailed deer in 2021 during the recent buck firearms, antlerless, muzzleloader, archery, crossbow, youth/Class Q/Class XS, and Mountaineer Heritage deer seasons.
Division of Natural Resources conducts study on hunting
The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources is conducting a survey of state residents and their hunting participation and success rates for various species to...
W.Va. hunters harvested 2,756 black bears in 2021
West Virginia hunters harvested 2,756 black bears during the combined 2021 archery and firearms seasons, a 22 percent decrease compared to the 2020 harvest...
Dogs survive being trapped in West Virginia cavern with bear
A labyrinth of uncharted caverns extends for hundreds of feet beneath much of the scenic farmland in eastern West Virginia, and while some of...
New River Gorge National Park implements new hunting regulations
Beginning January 1, 2022, New River Gorge National Park and Preserve will implement changes authorized by the recent legislation that expanded the park and...
W.Va. reminds hunters and trappers of 2021 furbearer regulations
Furbearer hunting seasons are underway in West Virginia, with raccoon hunting continuing through Feb. 28, 2022, and the W.Va. Division of Natural Resources again...
W.Va. releases 2021 mast survey and hunting outlook
Hunters getting ready for the fall hunting seasons can now review the 2021 Mast Survey and Hunting Outlook publication available on the West Virginia Division...
Seasons set for dove, snipe, sora, woodcock, Virginia rails
The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources announced 2021-'22 hunting season dates and bag limits for mourning dove, snipe, sora, woodcock, and Virginia rails....