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Explore along with publisher David Sibray as he tours the Mountain State.

Explore West Virginia

Stay turned for the first in a series of Explore West Virginia podcasts hosted by David Sibray

Fallout 76

Prior to the release of the Fallout 76 video game in autumn 2018, the West Virginia Explorer was deluged with searches regarding mountain lore associated with several monsters alleged to roam West Virginia. Al Clark, of Moundsville, interviewed David Sibray in a five-part series that regarded the five monsters featured in an article by Ted Fauster, which many Fallout 76 fans cited as being relevant to the game. The following were cast before the release of the game. Not all monsters were included in the game.

David Sibray discusses the Grafton Monster and its potential roll in Fallout 76 video game.

David Sibray discusses the Snarly Yowl and its potential roll in Fallout 76 video game.

David Sibray discusses the White Thing and its potential roll in Fallout 76 video game.

David Sibray discusses the Mothman and its potential roll in Fallout 76 video game.