St. Albans wildflower hike includes multiple programs

St. Albans wildflower hike includes multiple programs
A trillium blossoms at St. Albans City Park
A trillium blossoms at Saint Albans City Park, hosting its fifth annual wildflower walk April 7.

Participants in the fifth annual wildflower walk April 7 at Saint Albans City Park in Saint Albans, West Virginia, are invited to join in a variety of programs, including seed-planting, rain-barrel making, and photography workshops and an exhibition featuring live birds of prey.


Led by experienced naturalists, registration for the hike begins at 9 a.m. at the Nature Trail trailhead, and the hike is expected to last until 1 p.m., according to park volunteer Debbie Keener.

The trail provides a wonderful canvas for Nature's early wildflowers, and many of West Virginia's best known varieties appear along the gentle trail, which is nearly a half-mile long.

Photographers Cam Harmon and Justin Waybright will discuss wildflower photography along the way, and participants are invited to submit photos to the park's Wild Side Spring Wildflower Photo Contest.


Children are invited to join in a free 45-minute seed-bomb workshop, which will begin at 9:30 a.m. and during which they can create seed packets to take home and plant.

The Saint Albans Stormwater Group will host a 9-10:30 a.m. rain-barrel-making workshop open to 15 participants who would like to build a rain barrel to take home. A $15 program fee will cover the cost of the barrel and materials.

The Three-Rivers Avian Center will present its "Wings of Wonder" program featuring live birds of prey indigenous to West Virginia beginning at 11:30 a.m., providing the audience an opportunity to view owls, hawks, and a bald eagle up close.

The University of Charleston's School of Pharmacy will provide blood-pressure checks and a display of early American medicines will be exhibited.


Hotdogs and drinks will be available for purchase, and sponsors have provided light refreshments and door prizes. Parking is available at the baseball field parking lot.

Hiking boots and rain gear are suggested as the event will proceed rain, snow, or shine.

Donations are appreciated and will be applied to future "Wild Side" events.

For more information contact the Saint Albans Parks & Recreation office at 304-722-4625.
