West Virginia’s official weather-predicting groundhog, French Creek Freddie will leave his den Feb. 2 to predict the approach of spring and is inviting visitors to join him at the West Virginia State Wildlife Center at French Creek south of Buckhannon, West Virginia.
"We’re excited to see everyone come out this year, including those who travel long distances to visit the wildlife center on this special day," said Tyler Evans, a biologist at the Wildlife Center.
“We hope to get a favorable weather forecast from Freddie.”
Groundhog Day festivities at the Wildlife Center are all free-of-charge and will start at the center's amphitheater at 9:30 a.m.
The headliner of the day, French Creek Freddie, will emerge from his den at 10 a.m.
The band Enny Corner will return to the center this year to perform its “French Creek Freddie” song, and the center will also host its fourth annual "Woodchuckin' Contest," starting at 10:30 a.m.
The gift shop will have free hot chocolate and cookies, and activity sheets will be available for children to take home. Guests are invited to tour the Wildlife Center, home to 25 species of wildlife indigenous to West Virginia.
The W.Va. Wildlife Center is in north-central West Virginia 12 miles south of Buckhannon on W.Va. 20. For more information, call 304-924-6211 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or visit www.wvdnr.gov.