West Virginia has long been known for hospitality. Before the age of motels and motor vehicles, guests were welcomed at inns, cabins, and hotels that clustered around healing springs and sheltered in cool mountain coves. Wherever you go in West Virginia, you'll find warm, welcoming folk who are ready to host guests and share their renowned Appalachian approach to conviviality.
Lodging in West Virginia is most frequently found in and near its largest cities, in resort areas, and along its major highways. Our list of hotels and motels in more than 350 communities includes lodging near casinos and universities as well.
Cabins and lodges accommodate guests throughout West Virginia but are most frequently found near state parks and vacation destinations. Fishing cabins along its rivers and hunting cabins among its forests are as popular as romantic winter and summer lodging alternatives.
Country Inns and bed-and-breakfasts are popular throughout most of rural West Virginia and are most common in communities near its resorts, national parks, and vacation areas. Bed-and breakfast lodging is also common in large and small towns with historical districts.
Camping in West Virginia is a popular pastime and form of primitive lodging in all but the coldest months. State parks and national parks and forests in West Virginia are renown for providing exemplary campgrounds, and private campgrounds rate among the best in the U.S.
Some of best lodging in West Virginia can’t be classified under ordinary terms. Neither inn nor cabin nor cottage nor hotel, these specialty lodging venues may be found throughout West Virginia, in both forests and small towns and cities.
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When you encounter hotels, motels, cabins, and inns that haven't been listed in our lodging directory for lodging in West Virginia, please let the proprietor know of the opportunity to be included.