Bee Line March celebrated in Shepherdstown July 21

Bee Line March celebrated in Shepherdstown July 21
Soldiers mustered for the 600-mile Bee Line March gathered at Shepherdstown and marched to Cambridge, Mass.

In June 1775, Colonel William Morgan hosted a barbeque just outside Shepherdstown, West Virginia, at what's now known as Morgan’s Grove Park.


The event marked the beginning of a march over more than 600 miles to join George Washington’s Continental Army in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The beginnings of the will again come to life Sunday, July 21, during “Beeline: A Celebration” from 5-7 p.m. at the Town Run Tap House and Community Pub at 202 E. Washington Street.

The event will include academic presentations and living-history demonstrations meant to engage audiences of all ages.


During the two-hour program, Dr. Benjamin Bankhurst, assistant professor of history at , will present “Impressions on Loyalism in the Greater Shenandoah Valley, 1775-1783.”

Travis Shaw, public programs coordinator for the Mosby Heritage Area, will present “‘I am persuaded they will do great execution’: the Virginia and Maryland Rifle Companies of 1775-1776.”

Reenactors will be present throughout the evening to discuss the material culture and daily life for soldiers in the British and Continental armies during the Revolutionary era.
A $10 donation to benefit Morgan’s Grove Park is suggested.
