11.3 F
Friday, February 21, 2025


Welcome to the Attractions news directory at West Virginia Explorer. Be sure to visit our Attractions Travel Guide for more information about attractions in West Virginia.

Free fishing weekend (June 7-8) to boost travel

This weekend (June 7-8) is free fishing weekend in West Virginia -- that time of year when anglers can fish without a license and...

Music festival to attract 1,500 to the New River Gorge

Mountain Music Festival 2014
FAYETTEVILLE, W.Va. -- More than 1,500 spectators are anticipated to attend a three-day concert that opens a new festival ground in the New River...

Trails Weekend at North Bend offers expanded events

Discovery at North Bend State Park, Ritchie County
Few parks in West Virginia enjoy the status North Bend has attained for hiking and biking, so it's little surprise that 500 guests are...

New designation for Mon' forest announced

Afternoon at Dolly Sods Wilderness, Monongahela National Forest, National Parks
CHARLESTON, W.Va. - West Virginia state forester Randy Dye today praised a new federal designation for the Monongahela National Forest designed to allow the...

Disc-golf course opens at Wine Cellar Park in Dunbar

Caveman eyes the eighth basket, Wine Cellars Park
DUNBAR, W.Va. -- More than 40 Frisbee enthusiasts helped inaugurate the new disc-golf course at Wine Cellar Park today on the first leg of...

Rhubarb on the menu at historic Capon Springs

Rhubarb pie served at Capon Springs & Farms
Late May is rhubarb season in the Cacapon Valley, and the kitchen staff at Capon Springs & Farms, a resort that specializes in tradition,...

"Mansion by Candlelight" tour wins Top 20 event award

Blennerhassett Mansion, Blennerhassett Island Historical State Park
The Southeast Tourism Society has named the annual “Mansion by Candlelight” tour hosted at Blennerhassett Island Historical State Park near Parkersburg, West Virginia, as...

W.Va. Wildlife Center welcomes new baby bison

New bison calf at W.Va. Wildlife Center
The newest resident of the West Virginia Wildlife Center at French Creek is accepting visitors. Born May 2, the female bison, who's name has...

New River Gorge resort unveils new festival ground

Map showing new ACE Festival Ground
FAYETTEVILLE, W.Va. -- Set to open with an inaugural concert June 6-7, the new 12,500-capacity festival ground at ACE Adventure Resort has been designed...

New campground on New River will boost local travel

Diagram of Meadow Creek Campground
MAY 12, 2014 -- Its construction delayed by a hard winter, the new flagship campground for the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve,...

Eight waterfalls to visit this summer in West Virginia

Lower Falls on Glade Creek
West Virginia is home to some of the most spectacular waterfalls in the eastern U.S. Most will have weakened by June, when many of us...

Pipestem introduces season pass to outdoor performances

2014 Pipestem Season Pass
Fans of Pipestem Resort State Park and outdoor entertainment may wish to invest in a season-long amphitheater pass being provided for the first time. Sixteen varied...


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