WVExplorer.com breaks million annual readers mark

WVExplorer.com breaks million annual readers mark
David Sibray announces the gain of more than a million annual readers hungry for all-things West Virginia.

West Virginia Explorer is now reaching more than a million readers annually!


If you're an advertiser, you'll be happy to know that visitors had 1,170,018 opportunities to click-through to your website this month (as of 8 a.m. this morning).

If you're a reader, it means there's plenty of fun in store as we travel the state, peering into its history, investigating travel opportunities, and sharing its many wonders with the world.

How much of the world? Already this month we've attracted, for instance, more than 9,200 visits from Finland and 9,800 from Japan and scores of thousands from 38 other nations.


Our largest markets continue to be Washington, Pittsburgh, Columbus, and New York City, and, of course, West Virginia itself. (West Virginians love West Virginia, and former West Virginians living abroad are some of our most dedicated readers.)

Of course, I can spout numbers all day, but what I really mean to say is "Thank you."

Thank you to our million-plus readers.

Thank you to members of our development team.


And thank you to our many advertisers, who have helped boost us over 19 years to bring well-written, dependable information to voracious consumers of all-things West Virginia.

You can find out more about advertising and request an advertising kit . You can also reach out to Margaret Green, our director of sales and marketing, at  (office) or  (cell).

Enthusiastically yours,

David Sibray
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
West Virginia Explorer

